Trade Show Exhibit Information from IGE Group —
How To Utilize Your Trade Show Display In Multiple Settings

Form Your Trade Show Exhibit Around Your Specific Mission
One way to maximize your ability to reuse your displays is to design the portable trade show exhibit around the specific mission and vision of the company. The exhibit should represent the unique features of your business, and should therefore be designed with a company focus, rather than an event focus. If you design your portable trade show display around a particular event, you will only be able to effectively use that exhibit at that event. Instead, design your display with multiple uses in mind. Pick features that will work in a variety of settings and that are easy to reuse. This way, your trade show exhibits will go beyond those occasions. You will be able to use them at corporate events, annual meetings, conferences and other special dates.
Choose Your Handouts And Giveaways Wisely
Another way to leverage your trade show exhibit is to have a broad vision when it comes to handouts and giveaways. Every event will have event-specific information in your display, but handouts should not be one of them. Brainstorm ideas on giveaways and handouts that will work in a variety of settings. Giveaways are a great opportunity to put your company’s information into people’s hands. Promotional materials should answer basic questions about your company’s message, vision and purpose. They should also be useful and valuable to guests and target customers; this will create buzz about your trade show exhibit. A great benefit of choosing handouts that work in multiple settings is that overstock won’t matter because you can save them for your next event.
Staff Training Is Very Important
Well-trained staff members are the key to having a portable trade show display that works anywhere. If they are trained to engage with guests and to create a great customer experience, they will be able to connect with people wherever they go. Your team should be charismatic and energetic about meeting potential clients. They should also have the capacity to read an environment and react appropriately. So pick and train the right team with the same amount of care and time you put into creating your visual display. All of these elements combined will allow you to get the most bang-for-your-buck by maximizing your exhibits.